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How to get your training request approved

How to Get Your Training Approved

Have you ever wondered why some people get to go to training and others don't? Even in the most learning-friendly environments, chances are you'll still have to make a logical and compelling justification for investing time and money in training. So how does one get training requests approved? Here are some ideas that you can use to make the case to attend.

W.I.I.F.T. - Wait. Isn't that supposed to be W.I.I.F.M. (What's in it for me)? When it comes to getting training approved it is W.I.I.F.T. (What's in it for them). The "them" is your boss, your corporation, the people you work with. You already know what's in it for you because you have either asked for training already or been thinking about your long-term career goals. But you really want to get your request approved right? Before you make your request you need to think about "them" and the return on investment the training will provide them (the investment in you and what you will give in return). Make a written plan to present to your manager. Presenting a well thought-out plan that demonstrates that you are serious about training and details how the training benefits you, your team, and most importantly, demonstrates a Return on Investment (ROI) for your organization. Too often I hear people saying "I want training", they make the request but do not demonstrate the return on the investment and consequently the training request is often denied. It is important to ask yourself the following questions:

  How will the training I receive benefit my organization, department and team?
  How does this training apply to my current position?
  How will the training I receive be perceived in the organization?
  How can I use the training to drive quick wins as soon as I get back from the training?
  What will be my long-term plan for career growth within the organization and will that training be beneficial to that plan?
  Is the training reusable?
  Can I train others?
  Am I willing to make a tradeoff to receive the training?
  Have I researched all available resources for the highest quality, best price and right approach for my needs?
  Have I considered other colleague's needs as well as my own for the training efforts?
  Have I researched all available resources for the highest quality, best price and right approach for my needs?
  Is there a training budget?

There are of course more questions that you could be asking which may be specific to your organization, industry or immediate audience needs but if you really want to get your training approved these are a great start. By answering these questions in advance and presenting them appropriately you will demonstrate that you have a vested interest in your career, company, department and team. You should not make or take training requests lightly.

Some final thoughts. Many of our courses prepare you for a specific certification. Certifications are important to internal and external auditors, customers, senior management, and end of year progress improvement reports. It is very important to showing the skills you will acquire during the course, and the value you will add to your organization the day you return from class. Many of our courses have hands-on labs, where you will practice and learn exactly what you will be doing the day you return to work from training. We can assist you in defining these skills and the intrinsic value to you and your organization. thinQtank® Learning can always bring one of our courses to your organization for Onsite delivery. Onsite courses can always be customized to meet any specific training requirements. Finally, if you encounter any issues getting approval, report them back to your thinQtank® Learning Training Coordinator. We have trained tens of thousands of students, and we know how to assist you with almost any issue (pricing, budget, location, etc.).



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